Monday, January 23, 2006

Monday again!

::yawns:: Okay... man, for some reason it always seems like a great idea to see a 10pm movie on Sunday night, but Monday morning is pure torture. Actually, the movie pretty much sucked anyway. It was that dumb vampire movie, I can't remember the name - the one with Kate Beckinsale. It was incredibly gory and rather disturbing, but it was Chase's 21st birthday and he wanted to see it, so we did. Earlier last night, we all had ice cream at Coloniel and as we left, I grabbed Chase's arm and I was like "Can I go with you? You have to sing for me!" Brianna kept saying how amazing his voice was. It ended up there was nothing to sing to on the radio but we had a hilarious conversation about how messy our cars are and what random things we've found in our trunks [his beats mine - he has a propane tank and a]. I couldn't tell if I felt he liked me or not.

Sooo, I went to Axis, the 20-something ministry at Willow, on Saturday night. I almost didn't go because I really didn't want to go alone [last week I dragged my mom with me... suuuch a loser!], but I had a feeling I *should* go. I got there and took a seat alone near the center, peered around looking for people I knew - inadvertently I realized I was looking for Jeriel, but he killed himself last spring [not to mention I still glance around for Laurie and she's dead too]. Harsh reality. The worship started and I just prayed that God would help me reconnect there or help me find another church where I didn't feel so anonymous and alone. I love Willow, I love the worship and the format and most of the pastors - especially the Axis ones - and I don't want to go elsewhere but I can't handle the feeling of nonbelonging. All my high school memories were flooding back, when I had been so happy and a *part* of the church, and I prayed for a sign of whether I should still be there. Then a tap on the shoulder. I looked up and there was Phil Thorman. He was the small group leader of all my guy friends from Impact (Ken Pedersen, Jason Hammond, Jon Young, etc) and someone I always admired and adored, too. He always said I was an unofficial, honorary member of his small group. Anyway, he was like, "Melissa! It's been forever, how are you?" and hugging me and it was all I could do not to burst into tears when he asked, "Are you meeting up with friends--?" I said, "No, I don't know anybody here." He told me to grab my things, I was sitting with him. We walked over to his seats and he "introduced" me to Kimberly, a girl I knew in high school and hadn't seen since prior to graduation.. probably a good five years. It was crazy awesome to see her again! Sitting there with Ken and Kimberly and his friend Tony (?), I really enjoyed the evening of communion, worship, and the message without the feeling of aloneness I had felt in the weeks prior at Axis. After church, I noticed the kid sitting in front of me - Christopher. I forget his last name, but he was in the homeschool group I belonged to *yeeeears* ago. He looked at me and said, "Melissa Senger!" [how funny is that, because I thought people from high school and prior only knew me as being Laura's friend or "Missy" - not my actual real name] and we exchanged hugs and caught up. He was like, don't let it be four more years til I see you! Aw.. Kimberly and I chatted and she mentioned she would like to go to on the DR missions trip in March [I would too but I'm soooo broke, I don't know how I could afford it, but I've always wanted to go] and we headed over to the info booth, chatting about old friends and memories and what we've been doing lately. She told me it's her second week back and she wouldn't go without Phil; I told her I almost didn't go too because I had no one to sit with and she decided that we should exchange numbers and make sure we're there to sit with each other every week. Phil invited me out with them, but I already had plans with Brianna and Chase for dinner. We ended up sitting at IHOP til midnight talking, and in my opinion, just having a great time. Backtracking.. Friday was great, minus the insane amount of snow. I was looking forward to seeing friends, but it ended up that they couldn't drive in from the country because the plows weren't out, so Brianna, Jazz, and I headed to Applebees for a decent dinner. While we ate and I worked on my Mucho Margarita, we watched various cars getting stuck in the snow in the parking lot. It was incredibly humorous. But eventually we decided we didn't want to see a movie that night because we'd probably get buried beneath the still-heavy snow, and we called it a night around 10:30. We moved the snow from around her tires and ended up getting out no problem, but it took a half hour to get home and we were only 1.5 miles down the road! It was crazy, there were cars stuck everywhere. As Bri's dad would say, people's stupidity is "job security" (he's a firefighter). I went right to bed because my satellite dish had lost signal, and there was nothing else to do.That was my weekend. It was pretty great, actually! This morning I'm zonked, but it was definitely worth it. ::big smile:: More later, promise. Byeeee.


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