Thursday, March 09, 2006


So my day pretty much sucked until recently. This morning I was zonked, kept almost falling asleep on the keyboard, and I got really stuck doing my math homework and it had me in tears of frustration. Sociology class was good as usual, got 100% on my last paper that just got handed back today. Anyway besides that, my day was just sucking. Then this lady came into the counseling center here asking if she could use the computer to work on her resume, so I showed her the tutorial on Word. About 30 minutes later, she had gotten about *nothing* done and I just felt really sorry for her, so I told her to scoot over and typed her resume up in about twenty minutes. I told her to go buy a floppy, and showed her how to save, printed her about twenty copies, and set her an appointment to go over the resume with someone next week. No big thing - 30-40 minutes of my time. And she just started crying and told me how thankful she was and how frustrating it's been for her job searching, and she's just so discouraged and needed a resume to even apply this one job near her house.. etc. She almost had me crying, because it's such a small thing for me to do that for her and I really didn't even think I'd get thanks for it - nor was I needing it. I would normally not do that because it's not at all my job, but the fact she was really giving it a go on her own impressed the hell out of me. I dont like it when people beg for my help because they are too lazy to learn or try for themselves, but her really trying.. I figured someone should cut her a break. Anyway, she was just a really cool person and I enjoyed talking with her. It was a blessing for me to be able to do that for her.

Well, I have to finish up some crap at the desk and then get headin' to my math class. Can I just mention my teacher screamed at the class Tuesday when someone sneezed and me and this other girl both said god bless you? She screamed. Literally. Said we were acting like second graders and this is college and we need to learn how to behave. It was unfreakinbelievable. Then this one dude was tryin to explain nicely the reason we say it is cuz your heart literally stops when you sneeze and it's just polite to say that. Everyone does it. She told him he was sassing and back talking and he was on warning or something, (and WHO is in 2nd grade?!) and he was like Okay, then, and she's like you want another warning!? I am appalled by her rudeness and lack of respect for students, and her temper, too. She stands there with her hands on her hips and shakes her heads like we're pathetic if we give her the wrong answer or she'll yell "No, no!" if something is wrong. Yet she wonders why no one wants to answer the questions on the board. We get reamed out. I just.. hate her so much. My notes are full of me writing out stuff like, "what an f'n bitch" or "such a psycho" or "wtf" or "go to hell" and random angry blurbs, because I have to get it out or I'll blow up and storm out of the classroom. It's unbelievable. On that note, I have to go. Byeee.


Blogger mark said...

i thought the reason you say god bless you is because you just sneezed out a demon. i'm not kidding!

I just turn it around and feel sorry for the teacher. Usually people that are like your teacher (professor- yeah right) don't like themselves that much and have thin skin. Usually college instructors, that when they were students, they slept with their professors and had a four year relationship with their professor only to learn that when they were shipped off to the University of Vermont, they learned that said professor, who usually told them something stupid like they loved them, was sleeping with another fellow alumni and have been seeing them on the side while they were freezing their ass off in Vermont working on their thesis on the effects of greenhouse gasses on the Patagonian small beak turtle. Now you can see the bitterness in it.

Is is always a good feeling to help someone out. Adds a spring in one's step.

2:23 AM  

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