Monday, July 10, 2006

Weekend :D

I just thought I'd make a quick entry to say that I had a very lovely weekend. I love the word lovely, for the record. It started off with purchasing two new cds that fit my mood perfectly - the new cc live one and jack's mannequin. I truly love the JM cd. it's just greaaaat summer music, I'll post some fun lyrics at some point! Friday I had a great day with Missy, swimming, watching Must Love Dogs, and just having some much needed girls only time! What an amazing girl, let me tell you, she is too awesome! Saturday was nice- I hung out with Niles for lunch at my favorite cafe in Wheaton and had the most amazing ham and egg stuffed crepes. We went back to his house and I recall watching something but can't remember what.. god, my memory sucks.. then we played DDR - that was my first real time playing besides goofing around in the arcade. I pretty much sucked but it was bunches of fun, and I'm sure I got a good workout. Niles is pretty damn good at it too! After that I hurried over to church; I had to be there early to greet 20-somethings in our section of the balcony at church. I got a shiny new Axis staff t-shirt, that was exciting, and it actually fit - shockingly because it's a size lower than what I usually wear. I greeted with Joanna, even though we were at the far door and practically no one was coming in that way. Service then was excellent! Prior to service they were playing Coldplay and Switchfoot - then came an amazing performance of the song Talk by Coldplay. I was very impressed. Sadly though, there were not all that many Axis attendees at main service, which is what I figured since this whole "format change" is total bullcrap.. but I'm trusting that somehow things will come together.

Mike Breaux taught about God's will - how it's less about a specific decision (ie: Who does God want me to marry? What job should I take? What school should I go to? -and if I don't figure out what God wants, then I'm outside of God's will for my life...) and more about keeping pursuing God at the center of your life- and then you're never out of God's will. Basically, God is still God and you are still God's child whether you take that job in a different state or not. Whether you marry that guy or not. God knows the course of your life because he knows everything, beginning and end, but I think the basic idea is that God's will is less about what you do and mostly about who you are. You could take a job you think God wants you take, and still be out of God's will because you are not who God designed you to be there. If that makes any sense. It makes perfect sense to me.

Afterwards we had a barbeque outside near the pond that they call a lake (lol). It was very nice. The rain held off for a couple hours so we all had a chance to chill and chat and eat burgers and hotdogs while they lasted. I was so happy to see Jen, Fred, Nick, and Greg there! Although Missy totally called out the awkwardness between Greg and I.. since I told him I liked him things have not been the same. But yknow, one of my girlfriends confirmed for me the other day how shitty it was for him to be taking me out one on one, paying for my movie ticket and stuff like that because it's misleading. Anyhoo, the bbq gave us some great community building time, and then after that, a few of us - me and a handful of guys including Brian who is just awesome - and DJ who is also way cool - went to see Pirates. We got there at 9 but had to see the 10:15. We got great seats, front row, but not the waaaay front where you have to stare up at the screen. The row that has the bar across the front, that makes a handy footrest, so I was psyched about that. I sat between Bri and DJ, two of my favorite boys as of late, and the movie was entertaining, though long. Some of the plot seemed contrived, but I wasn't complaining. If I have to pee twice during a movie, it is too long. Whatev.

Sunday I got up fairly early and picked up Missy. We went to Nicole's "host familys" house, where she is a live in nanny. She's from South Africa and she's just so adorable and sweet. She made us hot dogs for lunch and we hung out for a bit, and played with her host family's three month old black lab. Then over to volleyball where it was so hot I hardly played but enjoyed lounging and playing more with the puppy. Missy came over afterwards and we swam for a bit even though it was shady and not as hot at that point - and we watched half of Garden State. She'd never seen it. Hopefully she'll be coming over tonight to finish the movie!

So yeah it was a good weekend. I don't think I could ask for a better summer all in all, the way things have been going. Ups and downs as usual, but I'm extremely happy 90% of the time, though reflective and contemplative often. I don't always feel included in everything and sometimes I feel very much like I don't belong with certain groups even within the church, but then I think of the handful of amazing people I call true, good friends, and I feel ridiculously blessed by them. I'm also starting to become more pleased with who God has made me as a person, despite not being the most beautiful girl out there, or the smartest, or the funniest.. I'm finding out more and more that it's okay I'm not the best in every arena. Maybe one day there will even be a wonderful man who thinks I'm the best for him. Though, I don't need that to be right now if that's not how things are meant to happen in my life at the moment. There is a guy that I am interested in but I doubt that he'd be interested back cuz I just haven't felt that from him, and I still don't know him that well either. So, all things happen in their time, right?

Almost time to head home! I have felt so peaceful and rested all day today, thanks in part to a sleeping pill I took at 8pm last night. Almost 8 full hours of sleep last night, thanks be to God, seriously! I can't wait to get home and finish up my laundry and cleaning and just veg. Mondays and Thursdays are low-key and stress free generally.. I rarely have plans in those evenings, though I'm always up for movie-nights and going out to coffee or dinner with friends (note this, all friends reading this! haha).

Hope everyone is happy and well!


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