Monday, July 17, 2006


so yeah, this weekend was so good I'm sitting here still in a state of shock it went so well. I'm just smiling like crazy today, hehe. Yeah, of course it involves a boy. His name is Brian. I met him weeks ago at church and he's hung out with my group of friends quite a bit since, even though he has his own "posse" at church, too. They're definitely leaning more toward the conservative side, while my group.. well, let's just say we're liberal. I've been really enjoying getting to know this guy, so Thursday I emailed and said hey we should get a group of people together to go out Friday for dinner or somethin', and he wrote back that he didn't need a group of people and I should come over. So I did, lol. He's got a really cute one-bedroom condo and I was really surprised to see how similar our tastes are. His couch is awesome and totally something I'd pick out, and he even has a huge sunset pic over it.. quite like the posters and such I have in my room. He's got the typical big-screen tv and I looove it haha. Brian made me dinner (yummy steaks!) and then we headed over to the video store. He picked out dark water and I told him that the only way I'm watching that is if he holds my hand, and he was like "oh, that's no problem!" I think I blushed all the way out to the car. Since it was still early we grabbed a second movie when a stranger calls which I never had any desire to see, but I figured that dark water would scare me so thoroughly that it wouldn't matter at that point and that was precisely the case. We curled up on his couch, and cuddled through dark water - at the end, I buried my face in his shoulder and was like nooo more... because he suggested that they were gonna kill off someone else.. and he just laughed and smoothed my hair. It was just sweet. After the movies it was pretty late (1ish) so I told him I should go, and gave him a big hug and thanks for the evening and he gave me a quick, though still very nice, kiss. I was all giddy on the drive home, lol.
Saturday was awesome too. I got up early - ten - and picked Bess up in Barrington and brought her back to my place to swim. It was HOT out.. near 100. We floated around the pool listening to Better than Ezra, and then decided to call up her sort-of boyfriend Beau to see if he wanted to come over, and it ended up he was already in the town. We told him under no circumstances could he show up without booze and cigars (well, Bess added the cigars part, I don't smoke), so he came with a six pack of Mike's in tow. We drinked, talked, they smoked, and floated around the pool for a couple of hours. It was sooo nice! We had to all shower and get ready for church, then picked up Tony on the way. He and I got to catch up a bit on the drive, and of course he got all the "juicy details" about Brian out of me. I found Brian at church pretty quickly, and we sat together which actually seperated him from his group of friends.. I felt bad about that.. and then service was amazing. Great message. Great worship. Afterwards we had dinner at Buona Beef - that sucked cuz they had no AC and it was near 100 still - and then I drove Tony and Brian to Fernando's house in Gray's Lake. It was a long drive, and I had plenty of time to hold hands with Brian in the front seat because I only need one hand to drive, lol. Tony kept giving me these teasing little looks. Then at the party after a few drinks I pretty much passed out on the couch while everyone played spades - I have absolutely NO card game ability other than gin rummy. Around 1 they woke me up and I asked Brian to drive since I was soo out of it. I think it was mostly from being out in the sun most of the day. After nearly getting lost, we found 94 and took that back to the church, and I got a rather nice goodnight kiss from Brian. At that point I felt sure he was definitely interested in me. One kiss can go either way. Two kisses is different. That means you liked the first one enough to do it again:) On the way home, I hit a raccoon. That sucked. I thought it was a paper bag so I kind of got my wheels on either side of it.. and then it raised it's head. I'm thinkin' there is a headless raccoon out there now. I felt terrible, but it was 3:30 in the morning and I just wanted to get to bed, so I absolved myself of guilt by saying it was in the middle of the road and soo not my fault - that worked pretty well. Anyways. Sunday = my favorite day. I woke up around 11 when Bess called my cell to tell me she and Beau would be over later, and then Clay called probably around noonish to see what the plan was for the day. I stayed in my PJs til around 1, watching The OC that Brian lent me. I watched it til Brian got there and then we cuddled up on my bed (door open, which was dumb since my Mom walked by and did a bit of a double take and then I introduced them haha) and watched about half of the third episode. I had my head on his shoulder when Beau and Bess walked in, that was kinda funny. Everyone was really nice about letting Bri and I chill in the pool together for a while before they came in. The turnout for my little pool party was: Beau, Bess, Brian, Jil, Tony, Mike, DJ, and Clay. I hope I'm not leaving anyone out. Pretty much my "posse", except Mike who is one of Brian's best friends. We all hung out, talked, had pizza, drank, laughed.. til around 9 when things wrapped up a bit. I walked Brian to my room to get his car keys and promptly just grabbed him and kissed him and told him that I want to see him really, really soon. He was kissing me and was like maybe at my place instead? and kinda motioned to the sound of my mom walking past the door to sit on the front porch and I was like yes, definitely. It was cute. Fifteen minutes later, and after my mom walking past the open door and seeing us making out (that was great), I finally let him leave. He told me he'd call me after work and asked me when I get off work and stuff, like he actually cared enough to make sure he calls when he can reach me. I think that's sweet:) Anyways, I may go to his place tonight. I called Niles and cancelled on him for the evening but if Brian and I can't hang out, I will go over to see Niles and watch a movie. I don't get much time with him, but I knew that physically if he came over to my place something would happen and at this point I've decided to just see Brian, whether or not he's just seeing me or not. We haven't had the talk, it's too soon for that. But hopefully soon!

Anyway I am just too happy. This came kinda out of nowhere. On the 4th of July I realized I might have a little crush but I never thought anything would come of it. Then every time I've seen him since I've liked him a little bit more. Last weekend we went to see Pirates and I really wanted him to hold my hand the entire time.. so I knew then that I had definite feelings. But like I was tellin' my Jil last night, I've got plenty of time to get to know him and am not in a rush, I just enjoy every minute he's around. Which I hope may be later today. If not, maybe tomorrow. If that doesn't happen, I see him at church on Wednesday and then at Phil's surprise party:)

I gotta look like I'm working.....


Blogger Simply Me said...

thanks :)

8:17 PM  

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